Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a chronic inflammatory lung condition, restricts airflow from the lungs. The warning signs and symptoms of COPD include coughing up mucus, wheezing, and breathing problems. Long-term exposure to irritating gases or particles, most typically from cigarette smoke, is frequently the cause. People with COPD have a higher risk of developing heart disease, lung cancer, and a variety of other disorders.

Although there is no known cure for COPD, there are therapies that can ease symptoms and enhance the quality of life. The best method to manage COPD is to stop smoking, however additional therapies could be required. Inhalers can help to open up airways and make breathing easier. Medicines may be recommended to thin mucus or lessen airway inflammation. Supplemental oxygen may be necessary if the lungs are not able to take in enough oxygen on their own.

According to recent research, the cannabinoid CBD may be helpful in reducing some COPD symptoms. The use of CBD for COPD treatment is increasingly getting popular.

CBD For Airway Inflammation

CBD can lessen lung inflammation, according to a 2015 mouse research. Breathing becomes simpler when inflammation is reduced. Additionally, there is proof that cannabis oil controls genes related to inflammation in human airway cells. The cannabis oil formulation employed in this study contained CBD, cannabidiolic acid, THC, and tetrahydrocannabinolic acid. The study did not distinguish between the effects of THC and CBD. In numerous studies, THC has been demonstrated to widen the airways; however, CBD oil contains negligible quantities of THC.

To utilize CBD in addition to or instead of taking approved COPD drugs, more research is needed. To control your COPD, you usually need a therapy plan. Even if CBD oil is effective in treating some of your symptoms, it cannot take the place of all the prescriptions you use for COPD. Early studies have been conducted to see if CBD would be beneficial for smokers trying to give up. Participants in a small 2013 study who used CBD eventually smoked 40% fewer cigarettes than those who received a placebo.

Best CBD Dosage For COPD Treatment

There is insufficient research to suggest a specific brand or dosage of CBD oil for COPD. Although CBD oil is usually regarded as harmless, not everyone should use it. By examining the product label, you can determine how much CBD is contained in each dose. There is no established dosage for CBD oil because it is not regarded as a medication.