Methods To Consume Your CBD Oil

Methods To Take CBD
Methods To Take CBD

CBD oil is the most popular CBD product that is widely being used by a large number of people for getting the benefits provided by this hemp-derived compound. The main advantage of choosing CBD oil is that you will get a wide range of options to take this product, unlike other CBD products, where you will have to stick to only one or two methods for consuming them. Hence, the large variety of consumption methods provided by CBD oil made this product the most used product in the CBD industry. Below shared some of the popular methods to take CBD.

Taking CBD Oil Orally

This is one of the most commonly used ways to take CBD oil. You can take one or two droppers full of CBD oil directly through your mouth or you may mix it with other foods and drinks to make consumption easier. Another option is to buy CBD capsules or edibles that are made of CBD oil.

Pros Of Oral Consumption

  • Provide long-lasting effects.
  • As CBD oil comes with droppers it will be easy for you to calculate the dosage.

Cons Of Oral Consumption

  • Will take more time to provide result.
  • Low bioavailability.
  • Might have a bitter taste that will be uncomfortable to some people.

Taking CBD Sublingually

It includes holding a few drops of oil under your tongue, where the capillaries in your mouth will be able to quickly absorb CBD into your bloodstream. Hold the oil for approximately 30-60 seconds for faster and efficient absorption.

Pros Of Sublingual Consumption

  • Faster absorption and more bioavailability when compared to oral consumption
  • Long-lasting effects

Cons Of Sublingual Consumption

  • The earthy taste may be uncomfortable
  • Might leave an aftertaste that can be present in your breath


You can use CBD oil in your vape pens for vaping CBD. However, all CBD oils might not be suitable for this. Therefore, when you buy CBD oil for vaping, make sure that you are allowed to use it in your vape pens.

Pros Of Vaping

  • Immediate and intense results.
  • High bioavailability.

Cons Of Vaping

  • Vapors might be harsh for your lungs.
  • Requires additional purchases like vape pens and other accessories.

Applying CBD Oil Topically

You can also apply CBD oil externally for targeting specific areas of your body. This can be useful for controlling pain, inflammation, and other skin diseases.

Pros Of Topical Application

Cons of Topical Application

  • Effects will be mild.
  • Will have to use more oil for getting the desired effects.

There are a large number of options available for you to take CBD oil. Hence, it will be possible for you to choose a method that is most convenient for you.