CBD For Eyes

After the legalization of the use of CBD products in the United States in 2018, the sales of CBD have risen exponentially. Today, millions of people in the United States are using different forms of CBD products to alleviate several health problems that affect the body.

For the past few years, people are using CBD products for alleviating arthritis, anxiety, epilepsy, skin problems, etc. We have different types of CBD products available in the market. Studies are going on for finding how CBD affects your eye. Many experts believe that CBD is very beneficial for improving your eye health.

Keep on reading this article to find more about the advantages of using CBD for the eyes.

Benefits Of CBD For Your Eye Health

According to experts, the number of people suffering from age-related macular degeneration will increase to 5 million in the United States by 2050. Many studies are looking for a potential natural remedy for alleviating these eye diseases and improve eye health. Most scientists believe that CBD could be that natural remedy.

According to many studies conducted over the years, it is well proven that CBD is very effective in reducing pain and inflammation. That means using CBD eye drops may help in treating pain and inflammation in the cornea. CBD can trigger the cannabinoid receptors in the endocannabinoid system that helps in reducing pain and eye irritation. However, more studies are needed to prove that CBD eye drops are very safe and effective in treating eye inflammation.

The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD are well-known and it is being widely used for alleviating several inflammatory disorders. Inflammation is a major problem for your retina. If you are diabetic or have endotoxin pressure, your retina may become inflamed. Some of the recent studies have shown that CBD usage can alleviate these conditions by reducing inflammation.

Many studies have also shown that CBD helps in inhibiting vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) that encourages the growth of new blood vessels, which can lead to tumor development. Usually, VEGF is suppressed with a drug injection in the eye. Recent studies are showing that the use of CBD supplements could also suppress VEGF effectively.

It is important to note that many studies are still going on to find out the effects of CBD on glaucoma. Unfortunately, the results are not very promising and one of the studies showed that CBD could increase eye pressure.