CBD For Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a chronic health disorder that is characterized by recurrent, unprovoked seizures. This is a  neurological disorder and affects more than 65 million people around the world. Even though epilepsy affects people of all ages, it is very common in older adults and young children. Also, different studies conducted on epilepsy show that men are more likely to suffer from epilepsy than women.

It is important to note that there is no cure for epilepsy and most of the current medications aim at alleviating its symptoms and control the frequency of seizures in the patients. Doctors recommend antiseizure drugs to manage the seizures caused by epilepsy. Currently, people are looking for a more effective natural remedy for the treatment of epilepsy and CBD is a viable option.

CBD For Epilepsy

CBD stands for cannabidiol, a cannabinoid compound found in hemp plants. It possesses several therapeutic properties that help to treat many health problems, including epilepsy. This non-psychoactive cannabinoid is legal in the United States and many people are using different types of CBD products.

Studies have proved that CBD is a very effective compound for reducing the severity and frequency of seizures caused by epilepsy. Recently, the FDA has approved the use of Epidiolex, a CBD-based medication for treating epilepsy.

You should note that even though Epidiolex is made using CBD, store-bought CBD may not have the exact effects in alleviating epilepsy symptoms as that of Epidiolex. Many studies have proved that a store-bought CBD product may increase the risk of seizures in epilepsy patients. However, Epidiolex can reduce the severity and frequency of seizures by 40%.

Is There Any Risk Of Using CBD For Epilepsy?

As we discussed earlier, it is better to use Epidiolex for the treatment of epilepsy instead of store-bought CBD. The dosage of Epidiolex is determined by the severity of symptoms and the bodyweight of the patient. You should consult a doctor before starting taking Epidiolex because they can help in determining the right dosage.

Even though CBD is a safe compound to use, taking it in high doses can cause side effects. In some cases, high doses of CBD even increased the severity of seizures. It was found that taking CBD in high doses may cause fatigue, dry mouth, drowsiness, loss of appetite, low blood pressure, vomiting, etc.